108, A couple, Senynefer and Hatchepsout 020, Apples and Oranges, Cézanne 014, Arcimo, Canaletto 035, Arco Valley, Dürer 043, Arearea, Gauguin 001, Autumn, Arcimboldi 029, Ballet Stage Rehearsal, Degas 045, Bed and Table laden with fruit, Gauguin 052, Boats on the Waves -The Tempest, Hokusaï 073, Buddha, Redon 062, Carnations and Clematis, Manet 085, Charles I, King of England, Hunting, Van Dyck 068, Cheetah Leaping, Pisanello 006, Chessboard Still life, Baugin 042, Conversation in a Park, Gainsborough 075, Dance in the Country, Renoir 078, Dancing at the Moulin de la Galette, Renoir 036, Diana the Huntress, Ecole de Fontainebleau 089, Doctor Paul Gachet, Van Gogh 053, Fuji at dawn: Cool Breeze, Hokusaï 007, Gabrielle Arnault, Boilly 037, Gabrielle d'Estrées, Ecole de Fontainebleau 065, Gleaners, Millet 101, Gudea with Flowing Vase 026, In a Café - Absinthe, Degas 081, Justine Dieuhl, Toulouse-Lautrec 030, Knights carrying flags, Delacroix 018, L'Estaque , Cézanne 056, La Grande Odalisque, Ingres 105, “Lady of Auxerre” 084, Landscape with a River, Turner 031, Liberty Guiding the People, Delacroix 061, Lunch on the Grass, Manet 025, Madame Récamier, David 095, Madame Vigée-Le Brun, Vigée-Le Brun 019, Maincy Bridge, Cézanne 099, Marly Courtyard 079, Master Hare, Reynolds 017, Men Bathing, Cézanne 097, Mona Lisa, Vinci 038, Naked Young Man, Flandrin 106, Neferrenpet Statue, Kneeling 063, Olympia, Manet 098, Pierrot, known as Gilles, Watteau 013, Planing the Floor, Caillebotte 069, Portrait of Ginevra d'Este, Pisanello 090, Portrait of the Artist, 1889, Van Gogh 049, Portrait of the Countess of Carpio, Goya 082, Red-head, Washing, Toulouse-Lautrec 051, Seba - Full Moon over River, Hiroshige 021, Self-portrait , Chardin 034, Self-portrait , Dürer 050, Snow on the Taiko de Meguro Bridge, Hiroshige 004, Spring, Arcimboldi 066, Spring, Millet 088, Starry Night, Van Gogh 107, Stele of Nefertiabet 002, Summer, Arcimboldi 054, Tempest Off the Coast of Kanagawa, Hokusaï 060, Tha Palm reader, Caravaggio 103, The Archers of Darius 092, The Astronomer, Vermeer 083, The Bed, Toulouse-Lautrec 012, The Birth of Venus, Cabanel 059, The Cardsharp, La Tour 086, The Church at Auvers-sur-Oise, Van Gogh 024, The Coronation of Emperor Napoleon 1st, David 067, The Cradle, Morisot 041, The Crows' Tree, Friedrich 027, The Dance Class, Degas 032, The Death of Sardanapale, Delacroix 102, The Goddess Hathor and King Sethi I 046, The Horse-race known as The Derby, Géricault 104, The Iman Reza Fighting a demon 091, The Infanta Marie-Marguerite, Velasquez 093, The Lacemaker, Vermeer 040, The Lock, Fragonard 094, The Marriage at Cana, Véronèse 087, The Midday Siesta, Van Gogh 064, The Praetor and his Wife, Metsys 070, The Rape of the Sabine Women, Poussin 015, The Rialto Bridge, Canaletto 080, The Snake Charmer, Rousseau 057, The Spring, Ingres 077, The Swing, Renoir 028, The Tub, Degas 058, The Turkish Bath, Ingres 096, The Virgin, the Baby Jesus and St Anne, Vinci 033, The Young Martyr, Delaroche 022, Tivoli. The Gardens of la Villa d'Este, Corot 055, Toba: “Landscapes and Poets”, Hokusaï 016, Two Young Girls, Carraci 009, Venus and the Graces, Botticelli 100, “Venus of Milo” 109, Victory at Samothrace 008, View of Venice, Bonington 072, Virgin and Child, Raphaël 003, Winter, Arcimboldi 074, With Closed Eyes, Redon 011, Woman's head inclined to one side, Bronzino 044, Women of Tahiti (or On the Beach), Gauguin 039, Worshipping Angel, Fra Angelico 076, Young Girls Around Piano, Renoir 110, Young Orphan in the Cemetery, Delacroix